I grew up in Indianapolis, a place where adventure felt like something you had to seek out. Back then, we had a mall, endless undeveloped subdivisions, and more cornfields than anyone could possibly need. But when I found adventure, I felt compelled to be the guide who could turn the ordinary into the extraordinary for anyone willing to listen.

Stories have always been my greatest currency. I didn’t have an excess of material possessions, but I had experiences. The bold, unforgettable moments that became my badge of pride. When I realized I could turn that passion into a career, capturing adventure through a camera lens, I never looked back.

For the past 20 years, I’ve helped television networks craft compelling narratives that bring characters to life. I know how to find the heartbeat of a story, the moments that connect, engage, and inspire. But storytelling isn’t just for TV, it’s the backbone of every brand, business, and personal journey.

With Mindsoil, my mission is clear: to uncover the stories worth sharing, amplify their impact, and turn them into meaningful content that provides real value to your audience. Because your story isn’t just something to tell—it’s something to be felt, remembered, and experienced.